Sizemore DNA Project
Updated Aug 1, 2009
DNA Project
Y-Chromosome DNA analysis of over 100 Sizemore males has now been completed. Family Tree DNA of Houston, TX
was chosen in 2002 to perform the tests for the Sizemore Surname DNA Project.
At that time, it was felt that a 12 marker test was a good place to begin a
project of this sort. It was then believed, an exact match of all 12 markers
from any two tested individuals would indicate that it was highly likely that
they descend from a common ancestor in a genealogically useful timeframe.
This could provide valuable information to family researchers trying to
determine whether different Sizemore lines are related. We now know that the
common ancestor of a 12 marker match could be many generations back. Hundreds
of years, in fact. So if you want to learn just how recently your ancestor
fits in, you may want to start with the 25, 37 or 67 marker test, also
discounted for test participants and at an additional savings if ordered
Tree DNA Site Map
However if you want
to start with the 12 marker test, it is simple to upgrade to the 25 marker
test later if the results indicate it would be an added benefit. Since FamilyTreeDNA retains a DNA sample for each participant
for 25 years at no extra charge, it will not be necessary to submit another
sample, if you have been previously tested by them. New types of tests,
including a refine up 67 markers and new subclade
tests, are becoming available and you may want to have one of the newer tests
run on your sample. Knowing this will be possible in the future is an added
benefit to members of a project using Family Tree DNA of Houston, TX.
By setting up a Family Reconstruction Project at Family Tree DNA, the
Sizemore DNA Project Group is taking advantage of a substantial group
discount. It also allows us access to the test results, so we can see whether
each of the Sizemore lines is related (or not related) to one another.
New Pricing Structure:
Y-DNA37 $169
Y-DNA67 $268
Y-DNA111 $359
mtDNAPlus $69
mtFull Sequence $199
Family Finder $99
Family Finder + Y-DNA37 $268
Family Finder + Y-DNA67 $367
Family Finder + mtDNA $298
Comprehensive Genome $566
In order to take this test, you must be a male Sizemore (spelling variations
are welcomed: i.e.; Sisemore, Sizemor,
etc.)and you must have an ancestry chart.
Participants should realize that they may not receive the results they are
expecting and be prepared for this possibility. Help will be freely given to
prepare an ancestry chart if you need help.
All participants of the National Geographic Genographic
DNA Project who are descended on a direct paternal or maternal line from
Sizemore, Sisemore, or any variant are welcome to
join the Sizemore Geographical DNA Project! Since some of our Y haplogroup markers are quite rare, consideration will be
given to the possibility of including males with matching Y haplogroup markers irregardless
of surname.
As we move well into the sixth year of this project, we really need more
participants to get a better idea about the several different Sizemore lines.
The information obtained by these tests is very important to all Sizemore
descendants. If you can donate any amount, we urge you to do so. In most
cases the entire cost of the test is borne by the participant. But we need a
procedure in place to test important lines not previously tested that might
otherwise not be done. In the past our project has benefited from the
generosity of several family members listed here. There
is now a place to donate at the Family Tree DNA site. You can donate any
amount by credit card, PayPal or check and it will be there for future test
participants that the administrators feel are important to learn more about
SIZEMORE genealogy. You can honor a family member by donating in their
memory. Click Here to
make a contribution to the Sizemore DNA Project.
to Join the Group
If you're interested in joining the Sizemore DNA project :
1. Email the project volunteer coordinators, Bryan
Sizemore and Joy King, and include your address and phone and/or fax
number. Also send a pedigree chart, including as much as possible of the
following info for yourself and each male Sizemore ancestor (father,
grandfather, etc.):
a. birth: date & place (state & county);
b. marriage: date & place (state & county);
c. death date & place (state & county)
d. each spouse's name, birth / death info.
2. This is NOT a blood test. Your genetic test kit consists of a cheek
scraper and a collection tube. In about five minutes, you will be able to
read the instructions and perform a painless cheek scraping. You will return
the kit and your check to Family Tree DNA. Click here to view pictures of
the collection process.
3. FamilyTree performs the DNA tests. After
approximately seven weeks they will send the results to you and to the
project coordinator/administrator.
4. As the results come in, we will make them available online at this site,
so that the various Sizemore lines can be compared. Family Tree DNA will
assist in interpreting the DNA results. A code will be assigned by the
project coordinator/administrator, who will be the only person other than
yourself to know your individual results. We will not use your name or the
name of any living person in your line without your permission;. We will only use your pedigree to identify the various
Sizemore lines. Joy
a noted Sizemore researcher, will provide invaluable genealogical assistance.
FamilyTree DNA has a DNA FAQ Page that answers
many questions. Click on the logo to go to the home page.

Their results will give you an idea of what kinds of things we might find
Please e-mail
Joy King and/or Bryan Sizemore
if you have additional questions.